Discover the little fox in papercraft: a 3D origami treasure for your home decor.
Immerse yourself in the exotic art of 3D origami with our flagship product: the little papercraft fox. This unique decorative object will bring a touch of originality and creativity to your space, whether at home or in the office.
A DIY paper sculpture for an enriching experience
Papercraft isn’t just a decoration, it’s an exciting journey into the world of handmade creation. This low poly vixen model gives you the opportunity to assemble your own paper sculpture, creating a sense of accomplishment and pride.
A detailed guide for easy assembly
With the Little Fox kit, you’ll receive a detailed PDF model for easy assembly. No need to be a 3D origami expert, our guide includes simple, clear step-by-step instructions. Each element is numbered for convenience, and you won’t need any additional tools.
- Step 1: Start by cutting out all the details. Assembly begins with the vixen’s snout. Glue the pieces by number until you reach detail 5.
- Step 2: Glue the parts 6a, 6b, 6c and 6d that make up the back of the head and the ears. Add this detail to the vixen’s head.
- Step 3: Continue gluing the pieces according to the large numbers until the figure is complete.
- Step 4: Cut out the bottom of the dense cardboard (part 18) and glue it to the inside of the model. Cut out the nose from sheet 6 and glue it to the outside of the figure.
- Step 5: Take a photo of your finished work and share it on social networks. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #papercraftfreak to share your masterpiece with our community.
Get creative with your papercraft vixen
This papercraft vixen is more than just a decorative object. It’s a reflection of your creativity and your passion for paper art. Feel free to experiment with colors: sheets 1 to 5 can be orange, sheet 6 black and sheet 1 white. Or let your imagination run wild and choose your own favorite colors. You can even paint the nose black with a marker or cut it out of black paper to add a touch of realism.So, are you ready to embark on this 3D origami adventure and bring your little papercraft vixen to life? Enjoy this creative journey and transform your space with this elegant decorative element.